Contributors 91

Elena Basile writes, translates, and teaches in the fray of multiple messy encounters between languages, bodies, places. She has translated Nicole Brossard in Italian, Angela Marchionni in English, and her recent bilingual poetry is featured in Here and Now. An Anthology of Queer Italian-Canadian Writing (2021). She teaches at York University and at the University of Toronto. She is editor of the multilingual series translanguagings for Quattro. Most recently, she has been reflecting on issues of coloniality and translation in the wake of the unauthorized Italian translation of M. NourbeSe Philip’s Zong! (see her conversation with Philip on November 29, 2021). She lives in Toronto, Canada.

Leilei Chen authored the Mandarin version of Steven Grosby’s Nationalism: A Very Short Introduction (Yilin Press 2017; Hong Kong Oxford University Press 2020). Her writing and translations appear in Re-Orienting China (2016), Home: Stories Connecting Us All (2017), Looking Back, Moving Forward (2019), Beyond the Food Court (2020), The Polyglot, TranscUlturAl, and more.

Bilal Hashmi is a translator working in English, French, Persian, Hindi and Urdu. He currently serves as President of the Literary Translators’ Association of Canada/Association des traducteurs et traductrices littéraires du Canada.

Beatriz Hausner has published several poetry collections, including Beloved Revolutionary Sweetheart (2020). Her translations of Latin American surrealists have exerted an important influence on her own writing. Hausner was President of the Literary Translators’ Association of Canada, and Chair of the Public Lending Right Commission.

Karl Jirgens, former English Dept. Head, at U Windsor, author of four books (Coach House, Mercury, and ECW Presses), edited two books (on painter Jack Bush, and poet Christopher Dewdney) plus, an issue of Open Letter magazine with Beatriz Hausner. His scholarly and creative works are published globally. Jirgens edited/published Rampike, an international journal of art, writing and theory (1979-2016). His newest book of short fiction is due soon.

Rachel (Rokhl) Häring Korn (1898-1982), « la première poète de la Galicie », est l’auteure de huit ouvrages de poésie et de deux ouvrages de prose. Sa poésie se caractérise par une sensualité rayonnante, un symbolisme ténébreux où l’on perçoit « un motif mystique » (Élie Wiesel) et par un rapport organique avec la nature. En 1948, elle a émigré à Montréal, où elle a vécu pendant plus de trois décennies.

Pierre L’Abbé is of Franco-Ontarian heritage from the Ottawa Valley. He is the author of two books of poetry, Lyon (Letters, 1996) and Ten Days in Rio(Watershed Books, 1998) as well as a book of stories, Kiss of the Beggar (Guernica, 2005). He has translated from the French Benjamin Fondane’s Exodus: the face of poetic resistance under the Holocaust (Joseph Norman, 2008) and Palestine (Guernica, 2014), a novel by Hubert Haddad.

Patrick Lane (1939-2019) est l’un des écrivains canadiens les plus renommés. Il a reçu le Prix de poésie du Gouverneur général en 1978 et a été nommé officier de l’Ordre du Canada en 2014. Il a écrit vingt-cinq livres de poésie, un roman, un recueil de nouvelles et des récits biographiques.

Myriam Legault-Beauregard est titulaire d’un baccalauréat en traduction et en rédaction, ainsi que d’une maîtrise en études langagières de l’Université du Québec en Outaouais. Elle travaille comme traductrice professionnelle dans la région d’Ottawa-Gatineau. Ses traductions de poèmes ont notamment été publiées dans les revues ellipseK1N et Reunion: The Dallas Review.

MA Hui is a contemporary poet residing in Jilin and Beijing, China. His poetry in 我放下过天地,却从未放下过你 (I Have Forsaken Heaven and Earth but Never Forsaken You) is a creative rendition of the poems written by Tsangyang Gyatso, Tibet’s 6th Dalai Lama (1683-1706).

Gwendolyn MacEwen (1941-1987) a été écrivaine en résidence à l’Université Western Ontario en 1984-1985 et à l’Université de Toronto en 1986-1987. Elle est l’auteure d’une vingtaine de recueils de poésie. Elle a reçu deux fois le Prix de poésie du Gouverneur général : en 1969 pour The Shadow-Maker et à titre posthume pour Afterworlds en 1987.

Angela Marchionni, director, poet, artist, and rare book publisher. In the ‘80s she conceived of the coin to pay the unpayable and founded Beatrix V.T., a small artist book publisher. She has collaborated with Loredana Alberti, Fiorella Petronici, Greta Shödl, Marina Moretti, among others. Her publications include Julia Postuma (1999), La macchina e il maquillage (2000), Il canto della rosa e dell’angelo (2007), Poete a nord est (2011), Pro/vocazioni (2012). The poems from Cosecante Iperbole were first published in 2013 in Il paesaggio nel tempo (edited by Letizia Rostagno).  She lives and work in Loiano, Italy.

Adam Meisner lives in Ottawa where he writes poetry, plays, and fiction. His writing has appeared in literary journals across North America, including in Ninth LetterCopper Nickel, and The Puritan. In 2020, his play For Both Resting and Breeding toured to the Adelaide Festival in Australia. He holds an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of British Columbia.

Maya Cousineau Mollen, of the Innu-Montagnais nation, was adopted in the traditional way by Quebec parents at the decision of her Innu mother. Poetry followed Mollen throughout her life as an outlet or to celebrate. Modestly published in anthologies, in September 2019, she published her first poetry collection, Bréviaire du Matricule 082 (Hannenorak Publishing, 2019). The preface is by Mrs. Ariane Mnouchkine, founder, director and director of the Théâtre du Soleil.

Chiara Montini is a translator and a scholar at Item (ENS/CNRS, Paris). She is author of essays and articles on genetics and translation, self-translation, multilingualism, and multilingual writers such as Samuel Beckett and Vladimir Nabokov. She edited and co-edited books on those subjects such as: TraduireGenèse du choix (2016), Genetic Translation Studies with Anthony Cordingley (2015).  Among her Italian translations are Mercier e Camier by Samuel Beckett (2015) and a collection of Nabokov’s essays on translation: Traduzioni pericolose. Saggi 1941-1969 (2019). She lives in Paris, France.

Jean-Marcel Morlat est né à Paris et réside au Québec depuis 2010. Il a traduit le livre de Philippe Wamba Parenté : l’Odyssée d’une famille en Afrique et en Amérique et a publié ses traductions dans diverses revues : XYZ : la revue de la nouvelleLes Écrits, Le crachoir de FlaubertTraversées, Europe, Revue Phoenix,L’AmpouleRevue Rue Saint Ambroiseellipse et Translit.

Chantal Ringuet traduit certaines voix singulières de la littérature yiddish et de l’art moderne. En 2015-2016, elle a été boursière au YIVO à New York, où elle a dépouillé la correspondance entre Rachel Korn et Kadya Molodowsky, sujet d’une recherche menée en tant que scholar in residence au Hadassah-Brandeis Institute (Brandeis University, 2016). En 2017, elle a été traductrice littéraire en résidence au BILTC à Banff. Elle est membre de l’ATTLC.

Letizia Rostagno is a bilingual (Italian-German) video artist, photographer and graphic designer. She collaborates regularly with Angela Marchionni and has produced artist books with Beatrix V.T. In 2013 she edited Il paesaggio nel tempoEvocazioni, manipolazioni, condivisioni, in which Marchionni’s Cosecante Iperbole was first published. She lives and works in Bologna.  

Howard Scott lives in Montreal and translates books of poetry, fiction and non-fiction. His translation of The Euguelion won the Governor General’s Literary Award in 1997. With co-translator Phyllis Aronoff he won the QWF translation prize in 2001, and Governor General’s Literary Award in 2018. He is a past president of the Literary Translators’ Association of Canada.