Contributors 92

Márgara Averbach has translated 68 novels and published 41 books for children and young adults. She teaches literature at the Universidad de Buenos Aires. Awards received: the Konex Diploma al Mérito por Literatura Juvenil (2014), Literatura de adultos, Premio Biblioteca Nacional Cambaceres, (2007), First Prize for Children’s Short Stories (1992); First Prize, Short Stories on Identity (2001).

Gregory Berry has a Ph.D. in English language and literature from Yale University. He is a poet and diplomat

Né à Buenos Aires en 1956, Sergio Chejfec déploie dans ses romans, nouvelles et essais une écriture subtile et réflexive. Il est traduit en anglais, mais seul le roman Mes deux mondes (2011) est disponible en français. Il vit à New York où il enseigne la création littéraire à la NYU.

Lorna Crozier, Officier de l’Ordre du Canada, se place parmi les grands poètes canadiens de notre époque. Elle s’est notamment vu attribuer un Prix littéraire du Gouverneur général, et son œuvre est traduite en plusieurs langues. Through the Garden: A Love Story (with Cats), son dernier livre, vient tout juste de paraître.

Ray Ellenwood has published ten books of translation, French-to-English, mostly of Quebec literature, including the manifesto, Refus global, by the Montreal Automatist Movement.  The Charge of the Expormidable Moose, one of his translations of the Quebec poet and playwright, Claude Gauvreau, was performed by One Little Goat theatre company in Toronto in 2013.  His translation of Gauvreau’s opera, Le vampire et la nymphomane, will be published in 2022.

Louise Gagnon oscille discrètement entre l’image et le texte. Elle a exposé ses œuvres au Canada et en Belgique, traduit le poète équatorien Mario Campaña et gagné le Prix de poésie Radio-Canada 2013.

Beatriz Hausner has published several poetry collections, including Beloved Revolutionary Sweetheart (2020). Her translations of Latin American surrealists have exerted an important influence on her own writing. Hausner was President of the Literary Translators’ Association of Canada, and Chair of the Public Lending Right Commission.

Nouha Homad is a professor of literature, writer, translator, artist and editor. She lives in Montreal.

Nicole Laurendeau, étudiante au programme de traduction professionnelle à l’Université de Sherbrooke, se passionne pour la traduction littéraire et a récemment développé un amour inattendu pour la poésie. Ayant vécu de nombreuses années sur la côte du Pacifique, elle ressent vivement l’œuvre de Lorna Crozier, elle-même grandement inspirée de la nature sauvage.

Gloria Macher is a Peruvian-Canadian writer living in Montreal. She has written several novels and short story collections, many of which have earned her literary prizes. Her work explores social, political, ecological and existential themes. Desplazamientos is Gloria’s first poetry collection (Ediciones Verbum, 2021), originally titled « Cuerpos Celestes ».

Karen Isabel Ocaña  is a writer, poet and translator, living in Montreal. Her work has recently appeared in Kola Magazine and The Ottawa Review of Books, as well as in Chronicling the Days: Dispatches from a Pandemic (Guernica, 2021). Three of her poems are forthcoming in the January issue of Jonah magazine. Rooms, her translation of Louise Dupré’s Chambres, was shortlisted for the 2017 QWF Cole Foundation Translation Prize. Karen is currently translating Gloria Macher’s first award-winning novel Las arterias de don Fernando (forthcoming with Quattro Books).

Jorge Paolantonio (1947-2019), professor of English literature and language and translator of poetry, wrote poetry, novels and plays. His published works include: Año de Serpientes (1995); Ceniza de Orquídeas (2003); La Fiamma, Vida de Opera (2008); Los vientos de agosto (2016); Peso Muerto (2008); Siete palmeras (2015); Tigre, tigre (2016).  His career was marked by numerous awards and distinctions.

Renée von Paschen was born in Canada and is currently living in Austria. She is a bilingual poet, literary translator, and scholar, who has taught Literary Translation and Theater Studies at the University of Vienna and Theater & Film at Webster University. She holds a PhD in Theater, Film & Media Studies (University of Vienna). Her poetry and literary translations have been published internationally in Europe and North America, and include VICE VERSA co-authored with Robert Paquin (Quattro Books, 2017).

Enrique Solinas has published eight books of poems and has translated and adapted numerous authors. He has been awarded several distinctions and prizes including: Biennial [1992/1993], the ‘Ciudad de Arena’ short story award [2004] and in 2014 the Shanghai Writers’ Association, China awarded him a scholarship residence for the Shanghai Writing Programme.