Crossing the Limits
Crossing the limits
of his imagination,
Her thoughts cruise
along the highways
of his mind,
Colliding in their orbits
with the planets
of consternation,
and condemnation.
Wenn sie die Grenzen
seiner Vorstellung überschreiten,4
Fahren ihre Gedanken
auf den Schienen5
seines Verstands,
Stoßen auf ihren Umlaufbahnen6
zusammen mit den Planeten
der Entrüstung,7
und Verurteilung.
4 « Grenzgänger » literally means « border crosser » and basically deals with gender issues, while more specifically indicating thought processes and prejudices found in most societies. It highlights the preconceived ideas that some men may have when attempting to see the world from a woman’s perspective, pointing out that our minds need to remain flexible, if we wish to understand each other better as men, women, and LGBT.
5 « Schienen » in German are literally « tracks » in English, evoking a train of thought or « Gedankenzug » in German. However, in English we « cruise » along « highways, » making for a slightly different take in the English translation.
6 The composite word « Umlaufbahnen » encompasses the word « Bahn » or « train, » which is reflective of the train tracks in the first German verse. However, « Umlaufbahn » literally means « orbit » in English, perfectly fitting for the rest of the verse that refers to planets.
7 The German terms of « Entrüstung, Besinnung und Verurteilung » all have the same suffix, whereas the contrasting English terms of « consternation, contemplation and condemnation » all have the same prefix and suffix, allowing for the German alliteration to be replicated as a rhyme in the English version, while simultaneously maintaining the meaning of the original.