11 The title of this poem « Die Oberfläche, » or « The Surface of Things« in English, is used as a metaphor for the outer appearance of a person. It refers to the tendency of people to judge others by their attire or the first impression they make instead of delving deeper.
12 Here, I’m explicitly remarking on humankind’s innate fear of what Sigmund Freud called « Tiefenpsychology, » (depth analysis) or the profound workings of the mind.
13 This verse animates the reader to overcome his/her initial angst and look more closely at the person in question. »Versuch » (attempt) rhymes with « Buch » (book) in the next verse.
14 The final verse exposes the dual meaning and uses the metaphor of a « reading a book » (in contrast to looking at its cover), as the discovery of the depths of a personality. The two final verses of the English version also incorporate a true rhyme: « look » and « book. »